Over 30 years of calendar production
at Edition Boiselle
For more than 30 years, Gabriele Boiselle has been creating calendars, she started long bevor ditigal photography was invented. It's was if shehad been producing and publishing calendars all her life, but this time has passed by in a flash. One thing what can be said with certainty and from conviction, she is still enjoy passionate about the new calendar, as she did 30 years ago. The technology has changed considerably since the beginning - the quality of printing and photography, the way it is processed, the demands on layout and design - pretty much everything.
But one thing has not changed, the love and intensity with which the task is approached to create the most wonderful and best horsecalendars in the world. No doubt they have won prices, but more important, they have captured the heart of horselovers who purchase the calendars year for year over decades.They admire the full beauty and charismatic charisma of the images reflecting the horses.
But actually, Gabriele is not only interested in the calendars themselves, they are a vehicle, but in the horses they depict. They inspire and motivate her just as much as they did 30 years ago. They are the driving force in her life, a never-ending source of joy and satisfaction. Is there anything more beautiful than to realise that you have succeeded in capturing the soul and essence of a horse in a picture?
Gabriele hopes that for many years to come she will be able to make a wide variety of horse calendars with her team at Edition Boiselle that will delight the heart and soul of horse lovers all over the world and accompany them month after month throughout the year.